
Loading a wellbore trajectory

well_profile.load(data, **kwargs)[source]

Load an existing wellpath.


data – Excel file, dataframe or list of dictionaries. Must contain at least md, inclination and azimuth. Can also contain tvd, northing and easting.

Keyword Arguments
  • set_start (dict, None) – set initial point in m {‘north’: 0, ‘east’: 0}.

  • change_azimuth (float, int, None) – add specific degrees to azimuth values along the entire well.

  • set_info (dict, None) – dict, {‘dlsResolution’, ‘wellType’: ‘onshore’|’offshore’, ‘units’: ‘metric’|’english’}.

  • inner_pts (num) – include certain amount of inner points between survey stations.


well – A wellpath object with 3D position

Return type

well object

Load excel file

Example of a file is shown below. In case TVD is not included, the package calculates the values using the minimum curvature method. North and East coordinates also can be included.


>>> import well_profile as wp
>>> well = wp.load('trajectory1.xlsx',   # loading excel file
>>>               set_info={'dlsResolution': 30, 'wellType': 'offshore', 'units': 'metric'},
>>>               # (optional) define the resolution for dls calculation, well type and system of units 'metric'
>>>               # for meters or 'english' for feet
>>>               set_start={'north': 0, 'east': 0, 'depth': 0})  # (optional) set the location of initial point
>>> well.plot(names=['loaded from excel']).show()


Load csv file

>>> import well_profile as wp           # loading csv file
>>> well = wp.load('trajectory1.csv',   # define target depth (md) in m or ft
>>>               set_info={'dlsResolution': 30, 'wellType': 'offshore', 'units': 'metric'},
>>>               # (optional) define the resolution for dls calculation, well type and system of units 'metric'
>>>               # for meters or 'english' for feet
>>>               set_start={'north': 0, 'east': 0, 'depth': 0})  # (optional) set the location of initial point
>>> well.plot(names=['loaded from csv']).show()


Generate more data points from survey

With well_profile you can generate multiple data points between the survey stations by using the argument inner_points.

>>> import well_profile as wp
>>> well = wp.load('trajectory1.xlsx')   # loading file with only original survey points
>>> well.plot(style={'color': 'dls'}).show()


>>> import well_profile as wp
>>> well = wp.load('trajectory1.xlsx', inner_points=5)   # loading file with only original survey points
>>> well.plot(style={'color': 'dls'}).show()
